Saturday, December 28, 2019
Simple Remedies for Common But Awful Job-Hunting Blunders
Simple Remedies for Common But Awful Job-Hunting BlundersSimple Remedies for Common But Awful Job-Hunting BlundersLooking for a job is stressful for even the most prepared career seeker. Often the pressure of making the perfect first impression combined with the Murphys Law-aspect of life results in mistakes. Here are four ways to make amends after your job-seeking errors.1. Catching an error in yourrsumafter you already submitted it. Few things are as frustrating as realizing you have a mistakein yourrsumthat is now in a hiring managers hands. Lets be clear its a must tothoroughly proofread a printedrsumat least three separate times before sending it, to prevent errors. However, the only move remaining after sending abotchedrsumis to send an email asking that the reader Please use theattached updatedrsum. Resist the urge to include an explanation of your error or why you have made a change. Youcan include a simple, My apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you. Anything more than t hat is too much. The stickler manager may still pass on yourrsumbecause you made a mistake, but the everybody-is-humanmanager may actually appreciate that you caught your mistake, owned it and remedied it. The clueless manager is likely notto notice or care either way.2. Bad reception during your phone interview. Phone connection issues occur to job seekers and recruiters alike. However, suffering through an unintelligible call will almost always result in a poor interview. Dont let your bad connection result in no professional connection. Whether it is your fault or the interviewers, acknowledge that the reception isnt clear and ask the interviewerif one ofyou can call the other one right back. If you have access to a landline in a private setting, use that number instead. No interviewer wants to suffer through unnecessary awkward silence or the wasted time caused by an interviewee who cannot hear the question or misunderstood what was said. Address the problem quickly to salvage y our phone interview.3. Running late to an interview. It happens. It is better if it doesnt, but tardiness is an unfortunate partee of being a busy (or ill prepared) job seeker. The first thing to do as soon as you realize that youre going to be late is get a message to the interviewer that youre running behind. You also need to ask if the delayed timing will still work for the interviewer. Be prepared that you may get to the interview and be asked to wait for a long time or be told the meeting will be rescheduled to another date/time. But, no matter what the penalty, its critical that you display your consideration of the interviewers time by alerting him or her to the delay immediately. As with thersumerror, resist the urge to give a longexplanation or to concoct a dog-ate my-car-keys excuse. A speedy and short update is your best defense. 4. Forgetting to send a thank-you note. After aphone, Skype or in-person interview, it is expected that the interviewee send a note to the inter viewer thanking him for his time. Thank-you-note slackers can rejoice in the knowledge that many job seekers have no idea they need to send a note or have no intention of doing so. Similarly, we should all drive the speed limit, yet many of us dont although we recognize the penalty for getting caught is an expensive ticket. Skipping out on a thank-you note is similar. Although many people do not send a thank you, prepare to be denied an offerif you happen to interview with a manager that views this as a critical part of the process. If you realize a week or two after your interview that you really should send a note, send one as soon as you recognize your error. Its never too late to thank someone for his or her time and remind him or her of your continued interest in the job. Youll find some managers that will hold the tardiness against you but that same manager would have denied you all together if you never send a note. Most other hiring authorities will have the same opinion of you or better after receiving your note. It is a chance worth taking. In summary, mistakes happen while job seeking. Most often, things go better if you are swift, short and honest in your response. Choose responses that show you are considerate of the interviewers time and know how to use professional restraint when digging yourself out of a hole. Blunders happen but what you do next truly defines your character.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Three Leadership Hacks to Accelerate Your Success on Your Team
Three Leadership Hacks to Accelerate Your Success on Your TeamThree Leadership Hacks to Accelerate Your Success on Your TeamThe phrase, speed kills, was coined in an era where, by comparison to today, time seemingly advanced at the pace of my five-mile run- very, very slowly. Gone are the days of long-term strategic plans or slow development of big new projects and products. While long-term visions are always in style, the roadmap to reaching those lofty destinations unfolds in a series of often disconnected and discontinuous endeavors. It is a world of epic quests and continuous leveling up Todays fabulously fast-moving, ever-changing and volatile business environment has changed the context but not the intent of leading and managing. As a result, anyone involved in guiding, directing and otherwise responsible for hilfeing the work, the results and development of others needs to learn to shrink the time-to-performance. Here are three hacks to apply in your work leading and managing. They reflect slightly or radically different ways of thinking about and acting on key attributes of your role. Use these time-saving shortcuts in pursuit of great performance and success with your kollektiv. Three Leadership Hacks to Jumpstart Your Teams Performance Change your approach to cultivating trust on your kollektiv. Promote swift trustTheres nothing more powerful in overcoming adversity and seizing new opportunities than the trust between the individuals working together. From the research into teams leading in dangerous situations, trust is the foundational component for creating a high-performance team. While the absence of trust is the basis for breakdown and failure, the faster trust develops in you as the leader and between team members, the faster the group learns to perform.Its too bad our approach to establishing trust with our team members is often anything but swift.For most of us in group settings, the process of developing trust plays out over a long perio d of time, with the senior person or leader bestowing trust only as it is earned. The leader assumes a posture that says, I will trust you when you have proven to me that you have earned it. The follower is aware of this trial by fire and the resultant dynamics slow the emergence of high-performance work behaviors.Trust Hack Instead of requiring your team members to walk the hot coals of earning your trust, change the equation and offer your trust first. Cultivate an innocent unless proven guilty approach and reinforce this philosophy with your actions. Delegate and dont micromanage. Allow your team members (with your input) to define their own priorities and to manage and execute on their own initiatives.By short-circuiting the you have to earn my trust process, you move faster to create a productive working arrangement. Your team members appreciate the respect you show by not requiring the walk of hot coals to gain your grudging respect, and you gain valuable insight into the moti vation, capabilities, and sense of accountability of your team members.Yes, there are risks to this form of swift trust.An individual might betray your trust by failing to live up to key commitments. You learn a great deal about the character of individuals in this circumstance. Once they betray your trust, you are accountable for constructive feedback and coaching support and at this point, the trust-development process reverts to the traditional You now have to earn my trust. Overall, however, the speed and performance gains from shrinking the time-to-trust arrangement override the concerns of an occasional minor mess. Your Role Leading Teams. We live and work in a world of initiatives driven by teams. Frequently, our workplace teams are hastily assembled and called upon to execute on something temporary and unique. In addition to the concept of trust outlined above- essential on any team to achieve high performance, your role as the team leader is mission critical.If you examine the literature on teams and team performance, the research on failures or struggles indicates as one important factor, the critical nature of effective team leadership. From ensuring clarity around purpose, direction, and customer to serving as the architect of the working environment, you cannot afford to fail as the team leader. While there are many tasks on the to-do list of the team leader, the first and most important is ensuring that he/she is executing on the right role for the situation.Team Leadership Hack Instead of assuming a command and control mode for team leadership and asserting your authority, take a deep breath and delegate your role definition to your team members. Ask them two simple questionsAt the end of our project, when we have succeeded, what will you say that I did?At the end of our project, if we have failed, what will you say that I did?Introduce these questions in a team meeting and assign them as homework. Collect the insights, review them in their enti rety with the group, seeking clarification where needed, and then use the input to craft your temporary leaders job description. Ask the team to approve the description. Ask them to define how they will evaluate and offer you feedback on your performance with this role. Create opportunities for them to regularly provide this critical feedback as the project progresses. Innovation. The books published on the topic of innovation in the past few years fill some very large shelves. The essence of all of them is that you need a lot of ideas and the ability, processes, and support to translate ideas into intelligent experiments to support learning. While there are many great approaches outlined in the resources, the issue is just a bit simpler than we might believe. Here are 5 steps you can take to help you and your team hack the innovation process. Five Steps to Hack the Innovation Process on Your Team Perpetuate the idea that anyone and any team can innovate. Dont leave all of the f un to the research and development or technical types. While there are degrees of innovation ranging from never been done before to a new twist on an old idea, there are ample opportunities to do new things or old things in new ways on your team. Work with the group to begin collecting ideas.Generate walls of ideas. Literally. While in some worlds walls are intended for pictures and paint, in todays world, a better use of that precious real estate is to capture dozens and dozens of ideas. Fill the walls with whiteboards or flipcharts and encourage anyone and everyone to regularly review the items- to add their own thoughts and to jump and build on prior ideas. Get outside of your walls to stimulate more ideas. From observing and talking with internal and external customers and partners to looking closely at best in practice firms for your area of the business (regardless of industry), you must get your team thinking about and looking for ideas.Work with the team to distill the walls of ideas down into a manageable set of experiments. Ideally, you are working on one idea each of the short-term, mid-range and long-term. Gain support from your boss and other stakeholders for the experiment. If it fails, roll up and share widely the lessons learned and keep moving. If the initiative merits more investment, it is definitely time to get your executive involved. Celebrate small victories. Teams march and perform based on a sense of shared mission. As you gain critical new insights and translate these into innovations or improvements, shout about the successes far and wide. Give credit to all of the individuals involved and make the story of their work part of the lore of the culture. Of course, for all of this to work, you as the leader are accountable for creating and sustaining an environment where experimentation and learning are encouraged. Remember those issues of trust and the leaders role- they loom large in developing and sustaining a culture that strives to adapt, adjust and innovate for success. The Bottom Line for Now Leading and managing in this era is a full-contact activity of involvement, engagement, and support. While the basics of leading are unchanged over the centuries, the context in which we lead is profoundly different today than any time in menschenwrdig history. The best leaders and managers constantly rethink their role they strive for feedback and they measure their success by the successes of their team members. And they do all this today by placing a premium on agility and adaptability as they navigate at the speed of change.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
United States Army
United States ArmyUnited States Army
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Engineering Public Policy Symposium Highlights Issues Pertaini...
Engineering Public Policy Symposium Highlights Issues Pertaini... Engineering Public Policy Symposium Highlights Issues Pertaini... Public Policy Symposium Highlights Issues Pertaining to U.S. neuheit and CompetitivenessMay 11, 2018 The presidents, presidents-elect and executive directors from 45 professional engineering societies co-sponsored and attended the Engineering Public Policy Symposium in Washington, D.C.More than 150 leaders the presidents, presidents-elect and executive directors from 45 professional engineering societies, representing mora than two million engineers, recently attended the annual Engineering Public Policy Symposium, which was convened on April 24 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.This was the 15th year that ASME served as the lead organizer of the event. The symposium is designed to inform and engage leaders of the engineering community on public policy issues that are important to advancing research and technology. The event was held in conjunction w ith the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Convocation and American Association of Engineering Societies, and was made possible by a grant from the United Engineering Foundation and its Founder Societies ASME, AIChE, AIME, ASCE and IEEE-USA.ASME President Charla Wise welcomed the leaders of the engineering community and thanked them for their continued participation. Wise informed attendees that the focus of the meeting was on policy priorities pertaining to Federal Investments in Engineering and Science to Spur Innovation and Competitiveness. She briefly discussed some of the findings of the National Science Board report titled Science and Engineering Indicators 2018, released earlier this year, which emphasizes that although the United States continues to be the weltweit leader in science and technology (ST), the U.S. global share of ST activities continues to decline as other nations especially China continue to rise. ASME President Charla Wise and Dr. Walter G. Copan, Unde r Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.Patrick J. Natale, executive director of the United Engineering Foundation, then introduced the Keynote Speaker, Walter G. Copan, Ph.D., Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dr. Copan discussed a new initiative titled Unleashing American Innovation and the interactions NIST has been having with the schreibstube of Science and Technology Policy and the interagency National Science and Technology Council, as well as stakeholders in the public and private sectors across the nation to assess and improve the transfer of technology from federally funded RD.Next, IEEE-USA President Sandra Candy Robinson introduced Matt Hourihan, director of the RD Budget and Policy Program at AAAS, who provided an in-depth review of the status of federal funding for science and engineering resea rch, as well as an overview of the presidents proposed budget request for Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) that was released in February. Hourihan noted that President Trump signed into law a $1.3 trillion spending package in March that included significant increases by Congress for federally sponsored scientific research, infrastructure and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. (Left to right) ASCE President Kristina Swallow moderated a discussion between Stephen Bayless, vice president of Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs with the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, and Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, on the topic Investing in Traditional and Innovation Infrastructure. The past president of AIChE, Maria Burka, then introduced the next panel session, which included ASCE President Kristina Swallow, who moderated a discussion between Stephen Bayless, vice president of Public Policy and Regulator y Affairs with the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, and Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), on Investing in Traditional and Innovation Infrastructure. Bayless discussed smart transportation and autonomous vehicles, as well as other emerging technologies that are changing transportation. Atkinson briefly discussed an ITIF report entitled Investing in Innovation Infrastructure to Restore U.S. Growth. In the report, ITIF makes the case that the U.S. should consider investments in innovation infrastructure, such as scientific and engineering research, which would enable technological advancements and therefore higher productivity and growth levels.Later in the morning, ASME President Charla Wise moderated a panel discussion with officials from key federal research agencies on the topic of Investing in Transformative Technologies. The panel was comprised of Michael F. Molnar, director of the Advanced Manufacturing Natio nal Program Office with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Dr. Dawn Tilbury, assistant director of the Engineering Directorate with the National Science Foundation Valri Lightner, deputy director (acting) of the Advanced Manufacturing Office with the Department of Energys Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Eric Lightner, director of the Federal Smart Grid Task Force with the Department of Energys Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. Michael Molnar and Valri Lightner discussed how advanced manufacturing technologies and the work of the Manufacturing USA Institutes enable crosscutting innovation in a variety of engineering disciplines. Dr. Tilbury discussed NSFs 10 Big Ideas, which are meant to catalyze interest and investment in fundamental research, which is the basis for discovery, invention and innovation. Finally, Eric Lightner discussed enabling a more secure and reliable electric grid, including resilience against cyber security threats and extreme weather events. (Left to right) ASME President Charla Wise moderated the panel session, Investing in Transformative Technologies, featuring speakers Michael Molnar of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Dawn Tilbury of the National Science Foundation, Valri Lightner of the Department of Energys Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and Eric Lightner of the Department of Energys Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.To conclude the event, John Speer, Ph.D., AIME president, introduced two ASME Congressional Fellows Andrew Bicos, Ph.D. serving in Congressman Tom Reeds (R-NY) office, and Shawn Moylan, Ph.D., serving in the office of Senator Gary Peters (D-MI). Tanya Das, an Optical Society of America-International Society for Optical Engineering/AAAS Fellow serving in Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) office, joined Dr. Bicos and Dr. Moylan to discuss the opportunities and challenges the Fellowships provided, as well as the broad issues portfolios they addressed. In particular, they emphasized the bipartisanship they encountered in moving legislation forward.At the end of the symposium, several attendees took the opportunity to meet with their members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to strengthen their relationships with policymakers, inform them of the importance of investments in federally funded research and development, as well as to offer their services as a technical resource to policymakers.Anne Nadler, ASME Government Relations Representative
Monday, December 9, 2019
Who Else Is Misleading Us About Best Project Manager Resume?
Who Else Is Misleading Us About Best Project Manager Resume? Ask yourself what you are able to bring to a company for a project manager and the way you mean to develop into invaluable to the corporation. Many project managers work in the very same industries their complete professional lives. If youve got an extensive project list, make an addendum page with your complete list to supply separately. Begin with a template that might be project management specific. In addition, you can look for product manager jobs on Monster. The Federal Resume can supply you with a chance for the upcoming possible customer. If youre looking for Retail Manager Resume Template youve come to the correct place. The important thing here is to make tough choices and just include what a recruiter wishes to see. The Hiring Manager is going to be motivated to read the entire resume to be able to discover extra info to substantiate her claims inside her objective. Notwithstanding, particularly for cont ractor roles, the hiring manager may want to see project details. The Downside Risk of Best Project Manager Resume The perfect Project Manager resume should showcase a superior comprehension of consumer habits together with the distinctive ability to spot promising new products. Practitioners have a tendency to use the CV as a personal record of their very own abilities, experiences and achievements yet the actual audience is whoever would like to hire you. Then create a separate Technical Skills section of your resume where you are able to list every one of your skills in 1 place. While technical expertise is crucial, so are people skills and the capacity to facilitate collaboration. Prince2 and Agile accreditations are especially sought-after, but internal courses may also be included. Besides any degree-level qualifications, in addition, it is important to incorporate any courses and qualifications applicable to project administration. Utilize formatting to highlight your most valuable abilities and make it simple for employers to swiftly locate the most relevant information that they care about. Otherwise, seriously look at getting this in-demand certification. A hiring manager searching for a Project Manager is searching for an organized individual with superior understanding of product administration. Basically, skills are things youve learnt over time, which can help you perform your job duties in a more profound way. As an experienced project practitioner it is likely that you have plenty of project management abilities and experience. The project management skills which are the absolute most important on your CV are the ones your audience would like to see. Project Managers work inside an organization to spearhead particular projects. Hirers dont just hire you depending on the project you previously managed they are going to want to hire you depending on the demonstrable project management ability youve got. Theres a primary demand for t echnical acumen in IT project administration. The most well rounded and efficient project managers also bring a developed awareness of business acumen in their role. Your resume needs to fix an issue for employers (which is the reason why theyre hiring). Government resumes are likely go through with a computer initially, for this reason its important to be certain you start out with a superior summary declaration with specific crucial terms. Bear in mind that employers might already have an awareness of job duties, particularly if theyre all in the very same field, and instead wish to see something which impresses them and makes you stand out. Youre made to include everything, and the outcome is usually a resume that doesnt capture interest as it is not focused. Recruiters do not devote a great deal of time going through resumes a balance between characters and white space is vital to make resumes readable within a couple of seconds. Locate the ideal ProjectScheduler resumesa mples to help you better your own resume. Use the search box to find just what you want to find.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Writing a Brilliant Resume at a Glance
Writing a Brilliant Resume at a Glance Writing a Brilliant Resume Help Your latest experience is easily the most relevant and must be first on the list. Your list is only going to supply you with a headache if you dont locate a remedy to end your problems. Although your resume contains your private history, it is crucial to exclude excessive amounts of private info. Definitions of Writing a Brilliant Resume Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. You would like to sell your skills in a fashion that will garner an interview. Learn about the three kinds of skills youll be able to highlight and the way youre able to incorporate them into your resume. One of the absolute most important skills an engineer has is the capability to present her or his ideas verbally and in writing. The summary communicates key information like your degree of experience, your field of expertise, and your most marketable skills. You dont need to change every small detail, but the resume itself should reflect the abilities and experience your possible employer would value. Professionally presented resumes arent that expensive and are frequently worth the investment, particularly if it gets you the job. By highlighting your strongest abilities, you will have the ability to generate a great impression in under a minute. The summary bewertung is a significant advertising tool and sets the total tone for your resume. A project specific restart is quite important once youre employing for profiles. Maybe few resumes are precisely the particular exact same reason there are such a huge variety of kinds of professional resume templates accessible is there are a large assortment of varieties of resumes. If youre writing two or more pages, youve written too much Have a peek at these examples to select which format is right for you. Additionally, there are many different alternatives for resume writing, which you have to th ink about to be able to choose which format and style suits you the most. Building a resume is frequently a dreaded undertaking but it doesnt have to be. Finding a job is getting more and more difficult with each passing day. In case the posting has no name mentioned, you will obviously must go from the way and call the most important number to learn, or all you have to do is find out more about the website to discover who is accountable for hiring. The Benefits of Writing a Brilliant Resume Consequently, today, your resume needs to impress and draw the interest of the prospective employers and writing such a document is really an art that not everybody can master. All your difficult work composing resume cover letters and resumes could be used up in the fest you dont present your docs the simplest approach. LiveCareers resume tool can help you construct a well-written retail resume in a few minutes, irrespective of your writing ability or degree of experience. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Talk is Cheap, Except in the Phone Interview
Talk is Cheap, Except in the Phone InterviewThe Phone InterviewTalk is Cheap, Except in the Phone InterviewIn the geschftlicher umgang world, when someone questions whether a colleague can walk the walk or just talk the talk, its usually the walking thats considered more important. But when it comes to the job search, sometimes talking the talk is the critical element.Think of the phone interview. In many cases, this is the first and quite possibly last chance to market yourself for a position, and if all goes well, it serves as a steppingstone to better things. The downside is that you have only your voice to convince the interviewer youre a worthy candidate. The upside? If you come across well over the phone, you may win an in-person interview.Many employers will use phone interviews, also known as phone screens, when they have a large group of qualified applicants for a position and want to winnow it to a more manageable number say three or four whom they would like to meet in per son.On that note, there are three important things to remember about a phone interview1. Be prepared. Always schedule the interview in advance so you can prepare for it, rather than answer a few questions on the spot. Aim for a date and time (even later the same day) when you will have the fewest distractions, and take the call in a distributionspolitik where you know you wont be interrupted. If youll be taking the call on your cell phone, find a spot with the best possible reception.As you would for an in-person interview, research the organization beforehand. Navigate their web site, do a web search on their issues and those in the industry. Jot down questions you would like to ask. Also, review the copy of your resume and cover letter you sent, and match up your skills and qualifications with what you believe to be their needs, so you can sell them on what they would gain by hiring you.2. Be clear and direct. Rehearse the points you believe youll be emphasizing, and make sure to deliver them clearly and without ambiguity. For instanceI have a strong track record of sales experience with computer hardware over the last five years. You have a strong product, and Im confident that my experience can help boost your revenue quickly and raise your rankings among the five players in this market.Even though its a phone interview, you can use your body to your advantage. Walk around the room if you feel it helps you emphasize important points you want to make.3. Be sure the interviewer understands you. After each key point you make, ask the interviewer if what you said was clear. A simple question Is there anything youd like me to add regarding that issue? or, I understand I covered a lot in my answer, is there anything youd like me to review? communicates a sense of thoroughness to the interviewer and lessens the chance that you would not be giving your full story before they decide if they want to meet with you.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to set life goals when you dont even know where to start
How to platzdeckchen life goals when you dont even know where to departureHow to set life goals when you dont even know where to startWhen beginning a large project or complex task, the problems youll run into arent always apparent.This can be an issue, because lack of clarity often leads to an unproductive response. We often rush into implementing new solutions before thinking about whether were even solving the right problem.On the other hand, its possible to get so wrapped up in trying to understand the problem that you never begin working on solutions.The trick is You want to get a sense of the actual problem, but you also need to take measurable and readily quantifiable steps to keep yourself from getting bogged down.Over the past few years, I experienced this first hand while trying to bring a TEDx event to the auditorium in the AstraZeneca building- where our company, Morphic Therapeutic, is headquartered. Our application welches rejected three times over the course of two and a half years.We initially had no idea where to start.But by continuing to take steps in the right direction and building on what wed done before, we were eventually able to book the event.Heres howTurn ambiguity into concrete stepsMany people jump into a solution before taking the time to understand the problem. This is a common pitfall amongst even the most seasoned leaders. But you have to come to terms with what needs to be done before you can take steps to address it.First, we had to decide if we really wanted to hold a TEDx event. Speaker sessions are nothing new to this group- weve held hundreds of them over the years. This led us to question whether we really needed to hold an event with the TEDx brand, or if we could instead set up a speaking engagement on our own and call it something else.We had to decide if we wanted to hold a mora informative, academic event, or if we wanted the speakers to be more entertaining, more typical of a TEDx talk. We asked ourselves What do we want people to feel when they leave the auditorium?Ultimately we found that what TED created is special and meaningful, and its not something you can easily create on your own.Once we clearly established this as our goal, we were able to start taking steps to accomplish it.You might not understand the problem fully until you have some solutionsThe problem doesnt always crystalize when you start working on it. Sometimes its only apparent once the work has already begun. This is where an iterative approach becomes so important, because youll need more context to identify what the problem is and how you can address it.The only way to get that context is by taking a step, assessing the outcome, and then moving forward with the new information in mind. Its about making educated assumptions based on what you know, and then testing those assumptions to see how they hold up.Our initial step for booking the TEDx talk was to do some research. We spoke with people in the Boston area who had o rganized these events before in order to better understand what was involved. After talking with them, we believed the process would be pretty straightforward. We figured we simply had to apply, and our application would be accepted.Operating on this assumption, we spent very little effort on our initial application- maybe 10 minutes of work.We were rejected almost immediately.Youll learn from each step you take, even the misstepsOur initial assumption was faulty. While it wasnt pleasant being rejected, testing our assumption taught us some things we used in our second application.That one was also rejected. And the one after that.But each time, we increased the effort we put into the application. First, we broadened the appeal of the speakers and topics to make them more compelling. A large group of scientists will naturally gravitate towards scientific topics, but thats not what TEDx is all about. It has to be broader, about ideas instead of industry-focused topics.We began weavin g a storyline into the whole event. We assembled an advisory board of people who had been to the main TED talk and had experience organizing TEDx events. And we even turned our thought process on its head. Why would TEDx want to extend their brand to us? What were we bringing to the table?On our fourth application, we were finally accepted.Sure, it would have been great to have been accepted on our first try, but this wasnt a process we had experience with. So we set a big, amorphous goal and chipped away at it step-by-step. Several solutions didnt work, but each one led us closer to the real problem we needed to solve.In 1991, my commencement speaker at MIT had a message that stuck with me Keep moving.He was telling this to the line of shuffling graduates, but his true message was much more profound. He was saying that action itself is what motivates. You learn from action, and so you have to keep moving.Getting good at this process pays off.You can use it for anything you want. Wh ether youre planning a destination wedding or building a startup, its all about turning ambiguous goals into concrete steps. Testing assumptions and adjusting your plans based on the outcome.Its a template for getting things done and delivering tangible results when you have no idea where to start. You just have to start at the beginning and keep moving.This post was originally published on
Thursday, November 21, 2019
7 storytelling structures to improve your presentation
7 storytelling structures to improve your presentation7 storytelling structures to improve your presentationIn his bookThe Seven Basic Plots Why We Tell Stories, Christopher Booker states that everything ever written boils down to seven basic plots. Using these story frames, you can share your life experiences to inspire your coworkers and bring your presentations to life.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreCourtesy of QuickQuidThis article first appeared on .
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